Want to volunteer at DYB but don't know how to start? You've come to the right place!
DYB is run 100% by volunteers. From the blockhouse to the board, we have volunteer opportunities for everyone. The following positions are among the many ways to get involved with DYB and help provide the best possible experience for our kids.
* - All coaching positions (as well as Board Members) require a background check and child abuse awareness training per the Safe Sport Act. Visit the Safe Sport Act Information page of our website for more information. The background check and abuse prevention training starts by creating a Memberships profile. Click here to get started: https://memberships.sportsengine.com/org/babe-ruth-league/affiliation/danbury-youth-baseball-dyb
# - In addition to the background check and child abuse awareness training, all coaching positions require Cal Ripken Coaching certification. Visit https://us.humankinetics.com/products/coaching-youth-baseball-the-babe-ruth-league-way for more information.
Come see us at the Blockhouse on Saturdays and Sundays during the Spring and Fall seasons, or use the contact link below to get started.